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Taking Inspiration From The Streets

At Ideal, we believe you can find inspiration anywhere. One source of influence that seems to capture the attention of people is the street-art and graffiti found in cities throughout the world.

While some consider it to be an eyesore committed by felons, others think of it as art in its purest form.

The explosion in street art in cities all over the planet could even be considered a modern-day art renaissance.

“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”

― Banksy

Whichever way you look at it, there’s no denying that pure creativity and inspiration is found in the artwork adorning buildings, benches, trailers and trains across the urban centres of the world.

An entire city becomes the canvass for one’s imagination. Here at Ideal, we find that wholly inspiring.

“Blank walls are a shared canvas and we’re all artists.”

― Carla H Krueger

Are you looking for a way to capture your customer and find yourself at a loss of inspiration? Look at the world around you. You’ll be surprised at what you see.

Over the years, we’ve stayed on top of the technology trends in our industry. We can recreate many different looks, from the simple to the ornate, including the incredible street-art that adorns the metropolitan areas around the globe.

Street art meets sheet art. It’ll definitely catch the attention of your clients.

“Art is an evolutionary act. The shape of art and its role in society is constantly changing. At no point is art static. There are no rules.”

― Raymond Salvatore Harmon

Looking for inspiration in the most unusual places and turning these influences into a product that is unique shows how versatile we are as a manufacturer. Ideal wants to expand our horizons and the expectation of the industry.

We are fabric artisans. The entire world serves as our origin of inspiration. While we may not have a brick wall or a bucket of paint, we have sewing machines, material, thread and the passion for making something that truly stands out.


At Ideal, we believe that you can find inspiration anywhere. One source of influence that seems to capture the attention of people is the street-art and graffiti found in cities throughout the world.

Considered by some to be a mere eyesore committed by felons, while others think of it as art in its purest form.

The explosion in street art in cities all over the planet could even be considered a modern-day art renaissance.

“Art should comfort the disturbed and disturb the comfortable.”
― Banksy

Whichever way you look at it, there’s no denying that pure creativity and inspiration is found in the artwork adorning buildings, benches, trailers and trains across the urban centres of the world.

An entire city becomes the canvass for one’s imagination. Here at Ideal, we find that wholly inspiring.

“Blank walls are a shared canvas and we’re all artists.”
― Carla H Krueger

Are you looking for a way to capture your consumer and find yourself at a loss of inspiration? Look at the world around you. You’ll be surprised at what you see.

There’s something prevalent in almost everything we own, it’s the common factor that holds so much together. We’re not talking about something esoteric like “love” or “friendship,” it’s something much more practical than that.

We’re talking about thread.

So where did it all begin?

Thousands of years ago when humans started to wear garments for warmth and protection. Our ancestors used thin strips of animal hide in order to sew together large pelts and fur together in one piece.

As civilizations began to advance, garments began to become much more refined.

Different civilizations utilized the land around them to bring new and innovative ways of creating thread. The Egyptians figured out how to incorporate plant fibres, wool and animal hair into spinning thread. They along with the Phoenicians also pioneered the use of berries and plant matter in creating colourful and long-lasting dyes while civilizations in both China and Japan discovered how to incorporate silk into their thread making.

Over the years we’ve stayed on top of the technology trends in our industry. We can recreate many different looks, from the simple to the ornate, including the incredible street-art that adorns the metropolitan areas around the globe.

Street art meets sheet art. It’ll definitely catch the attention of your consumers.

“Art is an evolutionary act. The shape of art and its role in society is constantly changing. At no point is art static. There are no rules.”
― Raymond Salvatore Harmon

Looking for inspiration in the most unusual places and turning into a product that is unique shows how versatile we are as a manufacturer. Ideal wants to expand our horizons and the expectation of the industry.

We are fabric artisans. The entire world serves as our origin of inspiration. While we may not have a brick wall or a bucket of paint, we’ve got sewing machines, material, thread and passion for making something that truly stands out.